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Seklias DBM

Seklias DBM

Sekilas DBM

PT Distriversa Buanamas, also known as DBM, is a physical distribution company covering the entire Indonesian archipelago. DBM is specialized in the distribution of pharmaceuticals and consumer goods such as personal care, cosmetic and food products. Using the latest techniques in logistics, warehousing and storage, DBM can provide its principals with excellent service at competitive rates. DBM staffs regularly undergo training to continually update their management skills. The most modern tools are also available to them. DBM believes in innovation and fostering of partnerships. In this regard, DBM works together with its principals to tailor make its service to their individually different needs.

Sejarah Singkat

1991: DBM didirikan
1999: DBM mulai mendistribusikan produk pihak ketiga
2000: Mendirikan 3 cabang baru: Jakarta 2, Palembang, Malang
2001: Mendirikan 3 cabang baru: Pontianak, Solo, Cirebon
2003: Mendirikan cabang Jakarta 3
2005: Mendirikan 2 cabang baru: Bandung and Makassar
2011: Mendirikan cabang Purwokerto
2016: Mendirikan cabang Bogor
2017: Memperkenalkan TOKODBM.COM sebagai solusi belanja online produk-produk PT Distriversa Buanamas

Saat ini DBM memiliki 18 cabang